Company Information
Workplace Coordinator Name
How many pay periods does your company have in a year?

We highly encourage companies to include a UWSC speaker in their campaign kick-off.  It is an opportunity for UWSC to thank donors for their support, help them understand what UWSC does with the money they donate and how it meets the needs of their community, and provide resources for help that they can share with customers,  friends, or family in need.

Please check all that apply.

Our Community Drives include a Winter Care Drive in the Fall, our United We Feed Drive before the Holidays, and a Mom & Baby Care Drive in the Spring.

For a Day of Action, United Way of Sumner County will match volunteers with a variety of projects needing attention at United Way of Sumner County partner agencies. Examples include landscaping, storage organization, painting, and more. 

2nd Campus/Location
3rd Campus/Location