Helping families become financially stable and independent
Today's economy is much different than any in our history. No longer does working a steady job, or multiple jobs, guarantee the ability to afford the basic necessities of life. United Way of Sumner County is working to identify the economic hardships facing our community and to develop solutions to assist those families walking a financial tightrope, unable to pay monthly bills, save for college, or plan for retirement.
Community Challenges
- At least nine percent of Sumner County households live below the federal poverty level, including 10 percent of senior households over the age of 65.
- More than 33 percent of working Sumner County households can't afford basic necessities, despite often holding multiple jobs.
- One in 10 Sumner County residents is food insecure, meaning they don't have enough food to support an active healthy life or are uncertain about where they will get their next meal.
Creating Positive Change
United Way of Sumner County is fighting to put every person, in every community, on a path toward financial empowerment. That starts with access to services, supporting basic needs while increasing financial education, and helping hardworking people obtain job training and family-sustaining wages. For those working families unable to make ends meet, our programs are designed to assist them with short-term assistance for things like food, rent, utilities, clothing, and prescription medications while preparing them to become self-sufficient. Additionally, basic needs assistance is provided to those who have suffered through catastrophic events.
Additionally, we are investing in research to get a better picture of economic hardship in Sumner County so we can develop better solutions for the issues affecting local families. To learn more about economic issues in Sumner County, our state, and across the nation, visit our ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Page and see how
To learn more about these programs, click HERE.