In considering Letters of Intent, United Way of Sumner County will:
Please select the Healthy Community Initiatives that best align with your program. Please note: UWSC Grant Applications will require you to report on three outcomes for your program. By selecting an initiative, you are committing to report on clear quantitative outcomes relating to that specific initiative.
Please select the Youth Opportunity Initiatives that best align with your program. Please note: UWSC Grant Applications will require you to report on three outcomes for your program. By selecting an initiative, you are committing to report on clear quantitative outcomes relating to that specific initiative.
Please select the Financial Security Initiatives that best align with your program. Please note: UWSC Grant Applications will require you to report on three outcomes for your program. By selecting an initiative, you are committing to report on clear quantitative outcomes relating to that specific initiative.
Please select the Community Resiliency Initiatives that best align with your program. Please note: UWSC Grant Applications will require you to report on three outcomes for your program. By selecting an initiative, you are committing to report on clear quantitative outcomes relating to that specific initiative.