United Way of Sumner County is managing funds received through our 2023 UWSC Sumner County Disaster Relief Fund.  Funding will be distributed to eligible 501(c)3 non-profits and faith-based organizations providing local direct service to Sumner County victims for relief and recovery efforts due to the December 9, 2023 tornados. 

Funding will be available to these agencies serving:

  • victims who have experienced household or personal storm-related damage and expenses
  • victims who have experienced business storm-related damage and expenses
  • victims who have lost income due to storm-related damage. 
  • nonprofit agencies affected by storm-related damage or loss of supplies

Funding will also be available to agencies who need additional financial support to provide or extend their current service delivery to victims impacted by the storms.

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until funds are depleted.  All organizations receiving grant funds will be required to complete a one page report verifying use of funds.  A template for the report will be provided along with each approval notification.

Please note that applying does not automatically qualify organizations for funding.

Agency Information
What is the focus of your disaster relief and recovery efforts?

You may check more than one.

Applies to personal, household, and business losses. May include insurance deductibles, emergency repair expenses, amounts not covered by insurance, temporary shelter costs, costs associated with loss of transportation, etc.
May include help with rent/mortgage, utilities, food, other direct financial assistance, etc.

Please note:  any money not disbursed for disaster relief or recovery would need to be returned to United Way of Sumner County.

Are you a currently funded UWSC partner agency?
Please select your tax exempt status classification.
Is your Giving Matters profile current?
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One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
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200 MB limit.
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200 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
One file only.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.


Our organization agrees to keep accurate financial records for any funds that might be received and to use any grant money for the intended purpose, detailed herein.   We agree to submit any required narrative and fiscal reports by the deadlines set forth by United Way of Sumner County (UWSC) and will allow UWSC to use information provided in this request for public information pieces. We agree that any money received from UWSC, but not disbursed for disaster relief and recovery assistance will be returned to UWSC.

Your signature below authorizes UWSC to obtain and/or verify all information necessary to process this application, and releases UWSC from any liability associated with the rejection of or funding of this request.  It is understood and acknowledged that the submission of this application, in no way, guarantees funding. UWSC is not obligated to process incomplete applications. As an authorized representative of the organization requesting funding, I certify that the information provided herein is correct.

Please sign.  If your device will not allow an actual signature, please type your name as your signature.