handing out money

The Allocations Committee is a crucial part of the United Way of Sumner County model.  Each year, starting on July 1, the start of our fiscal year, money collected from Workplace Giving Campaigns, individual donations, and special events goes into a Community Fund to be allocated to partner agencies in June of the following year, at the end of our fiscal year. 

Agencies who wish to seek funding from United Way, submit grant applications and record agency presentations in the spring.  The Allocations Committee is charged with carefully reviewing those grant applications, presentations, and information collected from agency site visits and weighing them against the mission and focus areas of United Way as well as the latest data on community needs to determine how best to allocate available resources from the Community Fund amongst the agencies requesting funding.  

United Way of Sumner County seeks a diverse group of volunteers to serve on the Allocations Committee in order to give voice to the many clients served by our agencies and the many donors who support our mission.  We are interested in volunteers from a variety of groups from black to white, low income to high income, homemakers to CEOs, Westmoreland to Hendersonville, single to married with kids, and more!  Priority is given to volunteers who are invested in the UWSC mission. (i.e. donate through Workplace Giving or as an individual donor, participate in special events, or volunteer with United Way of Sumner County.)

Allocation Volunteers are typically recruited each year in April.  Those selected to serve will begin reviewing agency information in May with Allocations Deliberations in June.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the needs of our community and the work that our amazing partner agencies do to provide direct service to those in need!  Allocation volunteers get to be a part of how United Way funding is distributed and what needs are met through our collective impact!


 The application period for applying to serve on our 2025 Allocations Committee will open soon.
Please follow us on Facebook at @unitedwaysumner for notification of when we will begin accepting applications.
Thank you for your interest in serving your community.  
Click here to sign-up for other more immediate volunteer opportunities. 

2025 UWSC Allocations Committee Volunteer Application

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