Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Ramsey

Amy Ramsey

Amy Ramsey is a force of nature – an unstoppable, tenacious force for good. 

We could tell you about her indomitable spirit, her boundless energy or her relentless drive to make a difference in the lives of others but really those qualities are all rooted and stem from the same place – her giant, over-sized heart. 

“My goal has always been to help as many people as I can before I leave this earth,” Amy says.

After college, Amy began a career in accounting. “My degree was in accounting, but after one year (post college) as a staff accountant, I realized I really did not enjoy the isolation,” she says. “Following that I was in events and sales - not at the same time.”

And, now she devotes her time to serving others.  Amy has been volunteering at United Way of Sumner County for 10 years in many different areas, making an impact in every instance.  One of her greatest contributions is the time she devotes to her work on the UWSC Gala Committee. The Gala is the signature fundraising event for United Way of Sumner County and Ramsey has been at the heart of securing coveted items and experiences to be auctioned at the annual event. This year, she helped ensure the event’s VIP Bourbon Tasting portion of the evening was a smashing success. There have even been years when she has negotiated with donors right up until the last minute to finalize the best items to be auctioned. On the morning of the Gala, she can be found at the Gala venue unloading boxes, setting up tables, putting the final touches on the decorations only to return that night, dressed to the nines and ready to nudge donors into giving a few dollars more for a good cause. One year, the weather prevented a scheduled speaker from talking to the guests about the importance of giving to United Way. UWSC CEO Erin Birch looked for a substitute speaker.  Before reluctantly taking the microphone, Amy gave Birch fair warning. “I may not be the best person to do this part.”  That night, United Way raised more than $6,000 in cash donations. Amy did it by speaking from that heart we told you about.

“I originally started volunteering for United Way when I met Dana Givens (former director) at Rotary Club of Hendersonville. I have served on the Gala Committee for almost 10 years. I assisted with the (Stuff the Bus) school supplies event. I have served on the appropriations (Allocations) committee, several times,” Amy recalls. “I am currently starting my first year on the Board.”

When not volunteering for United Way, Amy shares her heart with other nonprofits in Sumner County.  “I just finished serving on the Young Life of Sumner County committee. I served in different capacities over several years. I serve on the YMCA Advisory Board. This is my 4th year with them,” says Amy, a personal trainer and at-large community volunteer.  “I serve as an organizer for the Hendersonville Half Marathon, now the Hendersonville Triple Classic.  An all volunteer committee that organizes and executes a 5k,10k and 15k to benefit Mighty Mitchell foundation.” The organization helps families struggling with childhood leukemia/cancer.

Amy has just begun serving on the UWSC Board of directors.  “There are few organizations that can help such a diverse group of people in so many different ways under one umbrella.  Almost everyone you meet will have a family member or friend who may need one of the many agencies that we help fund,” Amy says of United Way. “I think the most important part of why I love it like I do, is the people. United Way of Sumner County leaders and staff are some of the most genuine and hardworking people, I have had the good fortune for which to work.  My fellow committee members are community leaders, but more importantly just all-around excellent humans.  I feel fortunate they allow me to work with them.”