Impacting our Neighbors at STARS

A United Way of Sumner County agency STARS Student Assistance Program Counselor at a local Sumner County High School recently shared this story:

"I have a student who I have been working with for three years. She has had many ups and downs - anger problems, depression, poverty, etc.  She returned from a county alternative school at the beginning of the school year.  I referred her to a psychiatrist. She is now on medication, in therapy, working with STARS, and is doing great. 

She is working and her grades have never been better. She is so proud of herself and I have never seen that from her before. She has always been so negative about herself and her future. That's the thing that has been the biggest change for her and it has been the most important. The teacher, with whom she had the last conflict and sent her to the alternative school, is now her teacher again.  The teacher was in tears seeing how well the student is doing. They are getting along great now and the student has changed how she responds to her teacher and classmates. 

The student developed a new hobby after taking a class she enjoyed and made gifts for all her teachers. She is also planning to go to prom which she would have never thought about before. I encouraged her to speak with her guidance counselor about her plan for graduation and she actually did it! They now have a plan for her to graduate early. It was awesome to see her be so excited and proud of that.  She has been a light for me this year.  She loves STARS!"