Impacting Neighbors CCPC Sexual Risk Avoidance Program

The following comments were taken from student and teacher comments submitted after attending a Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center Sexual Risk Avoidance presentation in the Fall of 2022 and/or Spring of 2023:

Portland High School Student:
I really enjoyed the affirmations. It's one thing to be told you have value, but to say it out loud for yourself feels really good. It was very informative and effective in encouraging the desire to abstain.

Beech High School Student:
I liked how you kept giving us options on how you don't have to have sex and that no means no.

Gallatin High School Student:
I liked that it helped me understand the weight of my decisions.

Gallatin High School Student:
I liked that the slides explained the difference between real love and counterfeit love and she reminded me that I am valuable.

Westmoreland High School Student:
I liked the talk about love and abuse, it was helpful.

Westmoreland High School Student:
This presentation made me figure out that even if I'm sexually active now, I can stop. I talked to my boyfriend about abstinence to better my life and my relationship, and my boyfriend agreed.

Westmoreland High School Student:
I liked hearing that they are willing to help pregnant teens and don't judge them.

Westmoreland Middle School Student:
Talking about puberty made me feel not so lonely anymore.

Liberty Creek Middle School Student:
I like knowing that I am valuable and worth so much more than what other people think about me.

Station Camp Middle School Student:
I liked that it gave people a place to openly talk about growing up.

Westmoreland Middle School Student:
It showed me the importance of having strong and healthy love rather than having a relationship built on sex.

Portland East Middle School Student:
This is one of the first times I've actually felt loved for who I am, not just putting a false mask on for people to be nice to me. Made me cry.

Station Camp Middle School Student:
The fact that it taught us the best thing to do to keep us safe and healthy.

Liberty Creek Middle School Student:
I liked the most about how they said everything there is free like even a pregnancy test or just to talk to someone. Thank you for helping us and being a trusted organization.

Liberty Creek Middle School Student:
I liked the part about our future, the path we can take, is the path we choose. It inspired me and made me feel that I can have the future I choose more than ever. Thank you for the inspiration you have given me and for teaching us this information. Thank you!

Rucker Stewart Teacher:
The subject matter was perfect for the age group. I wish I'd had her come to my house and talk to my family personally. Incredible.

Rucker Stewart MS Teacher:
I loved the entire presentation! I'm glad this is being discussed with our middle schoolers the right way. 

Liberty Creek MS Teacher:
I liked the focus on the individual worth of each student, the necessary repetition, the statistical information, and the opportunity for students to be inquisitive.

Station Camp MS Teacher:
Very positive messages: You are not alone. You have value.